Archive for May, 2009
Important advice
Friday, May 29th, 2009Sports question of the week
Friday, May 29th, 2009Attention People Who Have Always Wanted To Expose Themselves In Disneyland
Monday, May 11th, 2009Regarding Mas Selamat
Friday, May 8th, 2009I guess we should have cottoned on earlier with all them “Selamat Datang” signs along the causeway.
When People Accuse This Blog Of Being Overly Critical Of Women Drivers
Friday, May 8th, 2009This Blog can only show them this.
When People Accuse This Blog Of Discriminating Against Women Drivers
Thursday, May 7th, 2009This blog can only show them this.
Woman Bites Off Boss’s Penis
Wednesday, May 6th, 2009As reported In The Sin Chew Daily.
Key Violent Quote: “On reaching the park, they did not alight from the car. Not long after, the car started to shake violently… After the car was hit by the van, there was a loud scream from the woman whose mouth was covered with blood.”