The New Slow Food Singapore Website
Wednesday, November 30th, 2005Just opened up the new Slow Food Singapore website and photo gallery.
Go forth and see just how bad a photographer I am.
I did not intend to launch it so early, but someone placed a friend of mine in a very difficult situation that forced my hand.
So, instead of a polished website, you get a low quality, work-in-progress.
I guess there are some people who do not understand that social groups like Slow Food are served by volunteers who take time out from their personal and professional life for the benefit of other members.
While it is an honor and a privilege to serve our fellow members, there is something distasteful and crass when non-contributing members make rude demands of our time and effort.
It is heart-breaking and leaves a bitter taste.
I have been advised not to escalate the situation as while it happens too frequently on too many occasions, that person fits this profile (no cats though) and hence some pity and understanding on my part is called for.