When growing old is outlawed
Friday, April 28th, 2006Only outlaws will… err… grow old?
It’s Commentaries… Just Commentaries…
Only outlaws will… err… grow old?
This is supposed to be punishment?
But dagnabit, Audi drivers need their expressos!
We get things clean.
You are talking about Dachshunds.
This blog will refrain from linking this funny name.
Snakes and a power failure in Kidangamparbu.
Key Disturbing Quote: "Police who inspected the M-67 grenade said it was in working condition."
Last seen on MrsBudak:
You scored as Gandalf. You are Gandalf! This wise, old mage is loyal and brave. He is known for his counsel and advice to his friends and allies during tough times. "All you have to do is decide what to do with the time that is given to you." |
Gandalf |
75% | |
Pippin |
69% | |
Samwise |
69% | |
Aragorn |
50% | |
Arwen |
50% | |
Faramir |
44% | |
Gollum |
44% | |
Frodo |
13% |
Which LOTR character are you?
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