If You Found Space Invaders Too Intellectual…
Friday, July 20th, 2007Tip: Hold on to the mouse button to concentrate on the Ultimate Power!
It’s Commentaries… Just Commentaries…
Tip: Hold on to the mouse button to concentrate on the Ultimate Power!
For some serious productivity!
What’s worse than having a guild member die IRL (in real life)?
Trying to hold a memorial service for her in Azeroth.
What’s worse than that?
Having a rival guild trash the service and massacre everyone.
What’s worse than that?
Does it get any better?
Yes! Having the rival guild’s site hacked and defaced. Har! Har!
Seriously, if you publish your whereabouts on the Internet, you should be prepared for predators. Whining about having "to sleep with the fishes" only shows weak leadership.
And people say we don’t learn anything from computer games.
Here’s a brilliant alternative.
Key Quote: "
IKEA is a fully immersive, 3D environmental adventure that allows you
to role-play the character of someone who gives a shit about home
furnishings. In traversing IKEA, you will experience a meticulously
detailed alternate reality filled with garish colors, clear-lacquered
birch veneer, and a host of NON-PLAYER CHARACTERS (NPCs) with the
glazed looks of the recently anesthetized."
As mentioned a while back, I got the Broken Tooth Cat in the Badlands. Being the owner of the two most prized cats (Bhag and King B, not withstanding), I was torn between keeping one as my main pet.
This is because leveling the pets can become an issue after a while. This is why I decided to level the two pets to lvl 40 to see what’s the difference.
Why I did this is because a lot of people are raving over the Broken
Tooth Cat, yet, as the owner of The Rake for 30 levels, I could not see
any marked difference, I mean, 0.2 secs faster is not really a lot for
I trained both in the same manner (had to, because I had already trained The Rake in those skills and didn’t want to waste more money).
From the screen shots, other than attack speed, the stats are identical.
Some math (feel free to correct me if I am wrong):
Using DPS alone, in a hypothetical 60 sec fight:
The Rake: 31.2 x (60/1.2) = 1560 dmg
Broken Tooth Cat: 31.2 x (60/1) = 1872 dmg
Or a more realistic 20 sec fight:
The Rake: 31.2 x (20/1.2) = 520 dmg
Broken Tooth Cat: 31.2 x (20/1) = 624 dmg
It appears that the Broken Tooth Cat has a ~9% damage edge over The Rake.
And, using the damage variance in a 60 sec fight:
The Rake (low-end 33 per hit): 33 x (60/1.2) = 1650 dmg
Broken Tooth Cat (low-end 27 per hit): 27 x (60/1) = 1620 dmg
The Rake (Upper-end 42 per hit): 42 x (60/1.2) = 2100 dmg
Broken Tooth Cat (Upper-end 35 per hit): 35 x (60/1) = 2100 dmg
Again, using the damage variance in a 20 sec fight:
The Rake (low-end 33 per hit): 33 x (20/1.2) = 550 dmg
Broken Tooth Cat (low-end 27 per hit): 27 x (20/1) = 540 dmg
The Rake (Upper-end 42 per hit): 42 x (20/1.2) = 700 dmg
Broken Tooth Cat (Upper-end 35 per hit): 35 x (20/1) = 700 dmg
The Rake has a minutely larger damage variance (42-33 = 9) but slightly better low-end damage (negligible really) while the Broken Tooth Cat’s variance is (35-27 = 8) lower.
Other Notes:
I am now the proud owner of the two best hunter pets in the World of Warcraft. The Rake (Durandal) is uber for PvE and the Broken Tooth Cat (Broketooth) is the best for PvP.
They have the fastest attack speed (1.2 for Durandal and 1.0 for Broketooth) which makes them the best pets for a hunter because they can hold aggro very well and Broketooth is basically a mage-killer.
Both pets look cool. Durandal gets a lot of whispers when I play my Alliance character. Apparently, cats as hunter pets are very rare with the Alliance and the Rake (Durandal) doubly so.
It’s a dangerous journey to Mulgore to get The Rake (which is considered a rare spawn, 1-hour), but Night Elves have a slight advantage travelling from Moonglade.
My dwarven hunter made the run from Ironforge at lvl 10. The Rake is just too good a pet to pass up at level 10.
Anyway, the Broken Tooth is even tougher. An 8-hour rare spawn in a very busy area of Badlands. Thank goodness for Eagle Eye.
I will be equipping both with Dash and Bite as I think they are by far the most useful skills a pet can have. I have Prowl (lvl 1), but it does not really make a difference.
The sight of a cat charging at a player (who will panic and stand there) is very very cool.
Of course, there is now the difficult task of deciding which pet to keep. I cannot possibly keep two as leveling them will be a problem.
Sigh… It’s a nice dilemma to have no?
BTW, the Hunter class is the fastest leveling class in WoW. Warlock is the cheapest. Damn Shamans are the most expensive. Very cool to play, but really expensive.
I beg to .
When they outlaw computer games, only outlaws will play computer games.
BTW, is it me or does Robert MacMillan look like Bob Saget?