Palmsource has been sold to Japan’s Access. For many years since its IPO, Palm has been like Anne Heche, i.e. I’m in, I’m out, I’m in, wait… no, I’m out.
I registered as a Palm developer because I was astounded at the simple programming model only, much later, to attend the countless technical briefings which promised that this time, definitely, will be the last time they change interfaces. Yeah right.
What struck me was that the company was more interested in listening to Wall Street than the customers and developers. Hence the endless parades of the next best thing and really stupid proclaimations.
I have long since given up hope on Palm.
Well, Palmsource is gone. Most probably bought by Access for its market share of licencees and Asian penetration; and Palm is moving into devices that may run on Windows Mobile.
Hopefully they will sink into obscurity. Good riddance.
palm, technology, rubbish