Woman Used Wedgie To Nab Burglar
Monday, February 23rd, 2009Crimefighter Quote Of The Day: “I want to help.”
It’s Commentaries… Just Commentaries…
Crimefighter Quote Of The Day: “I want to help.”
Key Quote: “The real scandal was that she slapped me – not my boob-grabbing.”
A giant rat with one-inch-long teeth has been caught in the southern Chinese province of Fujian.
Key Quote: “As surely as monkeys at typewriters will end up tapping out the works of Shakespeare, a Peruvian film about a woman with a potato in her vagina will – at some point – win the Golden Bear.”
Mystery monks abandon dentist practice.
Key Testimony Of Pre-Monk Dental Practice: “”One day a mate of mine came in with a loose tooth and wanted me to pull it out. I hooked on with a pair of pliers and obliged him. But before I did I poured some rum into him and over the pliers to disinfect and sterilise my instrument. He was trying to lick the pliers clean as I was yanking.”
Key Cool Mom Quote: “According to the mother she knocked the gun away and the clip fell out. She said that she then picked up the clip and threw it across the street.”
Key Quote: “Sierra then grabbed the beers and ran from the store. The clerk called police who arrived minutes later to find Sierra sitting on the kerb drinking the beer.”
I report; you decide.
Key Quote: “…what WAS a surprise: Noting that Win7 allows programs like Photoshop to stealthily insert themselves in your firewall exception list. Further, that the OS is crippled towards allowing large software vendors to penetrate your machine. Even further, that that crippling is responsible for disabling of a program based on a modified .dll. Remote attestation, anyone?”
Key Quote: “an Ohio fourth-grade teacher had a side job as a prostitute, and even skipped class after using a school computer to arrange an afternoon tryst at a motel.”
Alternatively, they will soon rise up and kill us instead.
Key Quote: “TAGGED Bret Ravenhill spent three months fighting the urge to break his curfew — after the tracking device was fitted to his FALSE LEG.”
I guess they think he won’t get far on foot.