Archive for the 'Notes to myself' Category

Beddings and such

Wednesday, April 11th, 2007

My favourite activity is actually inner eyelid study. I spend a fair amount of time on it, studious, you might say.

As such, I need really comfortable study materials. I’ve decided on my matteress, but the bed spreads are another thing altogether, there are really a lot of technical details which, fortunately is easily explained in this really handy guide on how to choose bedsheets.

This is good as I’ve found some really nice bedsheets.

Autonomous Robot Vacuum Cleaners

Tuesday, February 27th, 2007

They are very very compelling. My colleague is test-driving one now.

Home Lighting

Monday, February 19th, 2007

Lighting is important to me. I’ve been gathering materials on lighting since I optioned my flats. Here are my notes.

Good general tips, including some tips on the new-fangled MonoRail Lighting (really cool! But I think you need a high ceiling for this. Alas.) system here.

I am very enamoured about the idea of using LEDs, but it’s very expensive and here is a myth-buster on LEDs. Of course there are cheaper alternatives.

Color Temperature is important. Here’s an article that shows you what 3000k and 5,500K looks like.

Energy consumption is a factor, so I’ve decided on a combination of LEDs (for task lighting), CFLs (Compact Fluorescent Lamps) for general usage.

Periodic Table of Visualization

Monday, February 19th, 2007

If you want to know how to present data visually, you should read him.

However, you want to see the tools, this is a really good chart.